gridfield rowproperties


Grid row properties help alter the look and feel of grid rows.


The Break property works only with columnar formatting where the Number of 'Layout' Columns property is greater than 1. The Number of Layout Columns property is located in the Layout Options section of the Grid Properties page. A Break can be inserted before, after, or before and after and control. When a break is added to a grid is appears as a carriage return symbol in the Selected: fields list on the fields page.

Cell in-line Style

The appearance of a control and the grid cell that contains it are set by the style sheet attached to the grid component.

Column span

The Column span property only works with columnar grids when the Number of 'Layout' Columns , found in the Layout Options portion of the grid Properties page, is set to a value greater than one. Changing the Column span value of a control helps position that control inside a grid or UX component. This is often achieved in concert with other layout properties such as the Number of "Layout" columns and the Repeating columns property.

Freeform layout

Specify if the column should display the field or allow a freeform layout.

Freeform template

Define the field's control layout using the freeform editor. This property is only available if Freeform layout is checked for the field.